A family favourite from my Welsh grandmother.
1 English Cucumber
2 tbsp chives (or more to taste)
1/2 cup of cream
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and black pepper to taste
1/2 tbsp malt (or to taste)
a few petals of edible flowers, such as pansies, marigolds or chive flowers
Slice the cucumber thin. Sprinkle with a bit of salt and leave for one hour. Rinse and drain. Finely chop the chives - I use scissors to snip.
Mix sugar with vinegar. Add cream, olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss the cucumbers with the dressing and 1 tbsp of chives. Sprinkle the other tbsp of chives and the edible flowers on top for garnish; serve immediately.
Contribution by Carol M. Upton - visit memorybooks.ca for a free family storywriting newsletter - Living Legends - which includes a heritage recipe each month.